Beginners’ Guide to Crystals: Part 5 – Crystals and Chakras

If you’re a crystal collector or have just started your crystal journey, odds are, you’ve probably heard of Chakras – “This crystal is good for this chakra” and whatnot. But what do they actually mean? 

Fret not, for this week’s Beginners’ Guide to Crystals, we’re cosying up to Chakras – what they are, how they're linked to crystals, and crystal recommendations based on chakra healing!     

What are Chakras?

Chakra, a direct translation of “wheel” in Sanskirt, concerns the energy centres in our bodies. 

The chakra system is an ancient meditation practise which has been traced back as far as 1500 BC and mainly consists of 7 main energy centres. These energy centres not only correspond to particular organs and nerves but also the emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological states of our bodies. 

When our chakras are balanced or open, it is said that we experience free-flow pure healing energy which provides us great health, happiness and vibrance.

Chakra concerns the 7 main energy centres in our bodies. These energy centres correspond to particular organs and nerves as well as emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological states of our bodies. 

Imbalance of Chakras and Crystal Healing 

Experiencing mental or physical stress, and other types of negative circumstances may lead to our chakras being imbalanced – this means that the certain energy centre being affected is not spinning properly or can even be blocked. And if unattended for too long, it may cause serious physical and mental ailments like depression and anxiety. 

Crystal healing is used as one of the methods to reopen and rebalance the chakras, where the colours of crystals correspond to the colours of the chakras. Doing so allows the chakra centres to be cleared, healed and revitalised. 

Some of us may be drawn to certain colours of crystals and this could signify that we need some help in the Chakra which corresponds to that colour. For example, if you’re particularly drawn to blue crystals, it could signify that you need some help in the throat chakra. When the throat chakra is blocked or misaligned, you may feel difficulties in communicating verbally, experience misunderstandings or even speak without thinking. 

7 Main Chakras and their Associated Crystals 

Root Chakra 

Located at the base of our spine, the Root Chakra is alike to the foundation of a house - it needs to be stabilised and it is responsible for keeping you secure and grounded. 

Key Qualities and Energy Focus: Stability, Grounding, Physical Energy, Security, Immediate Action

Signs of Balance in Chakra: Having good stamina and health, great perseverance, developed instincts.

Signs of Imbalance or Blockage in Chakra: Flight or fight reactions; feelings of insecurities; excessive negative emotions like fear; anxiety and anger.

The Root Chakra is correspondent to the colours Red and Black. When working to improve this Chakra, recommend the following crystals: Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Obsidian.

Crystals for Root Chakra

From left to right: Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Obsidian.


Sacral Chakra 

The centre of the lower abdomen is where the Sacral Chakra is located. It is the sexual and creative energy centre of our bodies encompassing our pleasures, emotions and passions.  

Key Qualities and Energy Focus: Creativity, Healing, Sexual Desire, Emotional connection with others, Intuition, Independent Judgement, Self Esteem, Self Image. 

Signs of Balance in Chakra: Being friendly and passionate; Having positive self-image and self-esteem; Having a balance between dependency and independence; Being able to express yourself creatively

Signs of Imbalance or Blockage: Being uninspired; Being over-reliant; Having low self-esteem; Experiencing sexual dysfunction; Having unhealthy addictions.

The Sacral Chakra is correspondent to the colours Orange and Silver. When working to improve this Chakra, recommend the following crystals: Carnelian, Sunstone, Orange Calcite 

Crystals for Sacral Chakra

From left to right: Carnelian, Sunstone, Orange Calcite 


Solar Plexus Chakra

At the centre of the upper abdomen is the Solar Plexus Chakra, our source of personal power and confidence. 

Key Qualities and Energy Focus: Ambition, Personal power, Protection, Self-confidence, Intellectual Power. 

Signs of Balance in Chakra: Being open to new opportunities; Being able to learn from past mistakes; Having rationality over sentiment when making decisions.

Signs of Imbalance or Blockage: Being restless and indecisive; Having unhealthy obsession over success and workaholic tendencies; Having compulsive behaviour

The Solar Plexus Chakra is correspondent to the colour Yellow. When working to improve this Chakra, recommend the following crystals: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite

Crystals for Solar Plexus Chakra

From left to right: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite


Heart Chakra

Located at the centre of the chest, the Heart Chakra is the energy centre for love, compassion, forgiveness and empathy. 

Key Qualities and Energy Focus: Love, Compassion, Universal consciousness, Emotional balance, Self-love.

Signs of Balance in Chakra: Giving and receiving love equally; Having self-value; Being able to cultivate an appreciation for beauty.

Signs of Imbalance or Blockage: Having over-emotional outbursts and excessive sentiments; Being possessive and jealous; Feelings of broken-heartedness and insecurity; Lacking in empathy.  

The Heart Chakra is correspondent to the colours Green and Pink. When working to improve this Chakra, recommend the following crystals: Rhodonite, Green Aventurine, Amazonite, Rose Quartz


Crystals for Heart Chakra

From left to right: Rhodonite, Green Aventurine, Amazonite, Rose Quartz



Throat Chakra

At the base of the throat is the throat chakra, which is the energy centre for communication.

Key Qualities and Energy Focus: Communication, Expression, Divine Guidance, Wisdom, Kindness.

Signs of Balance in Chakra: Being comfortable speaking your inner truths; Being able to listen to others; Being able to express yourself clearly; Possessing leadership qualities

Signs of Imbalance or Blockage: Speaking without thinking; Having difficulty in communicating clearly; Being dishonest; Being unnecessarily dominating in conversations; Being too judgemental and critical of others. 

The Throat Chakra is correspondent to the colour Blue. When working to improve this Chakra, recommend the following crystals: Blue Chalcedony, Blue Lace Agate, Larimar, Blue Kyanite, Celestite. 

Crystals for Throat Chakra

From left to right: Blue Chalcedony, Larimar, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Kyanite, Celestite



Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra sits above the bridge of the nose and is the energy centre for Intuition and Spiritual Awareness.

Key Qualities and Energy Focus: Spiritual awareness, Intuition, Imagination, Clairvoyance. 

Signs of Balance in Chakra: Having clarity of thought; Being clear and focused in decision-making; Always being alert and aware; Having imagination; Having strong intuition and insight. 

Signs of Imbalance or Blockage: Having uncertainty towards your purpose and direction in life; Being close-minded; Having anxiety and depression; Having little self-awareness; 

The Third Eye Chakra is correspondent to the colour Bluish Purple or Indigo. When working to improve this Chakra, recommend the following crystals: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Azurite

From left to right: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Azurite



Crown Chakra

At the top and centre of the head is the Crown Chakra, which is the energy centre for Enlightenment and Spiritual Connection. 

Key Qualities and Energy Focus: Spiritual Connection, Enlightenment, Cosmic consciousness

Signs of Balance in Chakra: Possessing wisdom; Being able to look beyond the material world; Being satisfied with life; Being able to fulfil major dreams or ambitions.  

Signs of Imbalance or Blockage: Being alienated from life; Having an obsession with perfection and beauty; Being too materialistic and not being easily satisfied; Inability to value love and happiness. 

The Crown Chakra is correspondent to the colour Purple, White and Clear. When working to improve this Chakra, recommend the following crystals: Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone, Clear Quartz

Crystals for Crown Chakra

From left to right: Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone, Clear Quartz



* Do take note that crystals can be linked to more than one chakra. For example, Labradorite is linked to the Crown and Third Eye Chakras, and Sodalite is linked to the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. 

If you’re a beginner in crystals, you may find the following articles useful:

Beginners’ Guide to Crystals: Part 1 – Origin of Crystals 

Beginners’ Guide to Crystals: Part 2 – Choosing Crystals based on Chinese Zodiac Signs 

Beginners’ Guide to Crystals: Part 3 – Choosing Crystals based on Horoscopes 

