Beginners’ Guide to Crystals: Part 4 – Increasing Prosperity with Crystals
Huat Ah! 🍊 The Year of the Water Tiger 2022 is fast approaching and it marks a fresh and prosperous beginning for all. If you are a crystal collector or just interested in crystals, this is the perfect article for you – we have compiled a guide from Feng Shui Masters on how to maximise your luck and prosperity with crystals this Lunar New Year!
Before we begin on how to increase your huat with crystals, we’ll briefly discuss the principles of the Feng Shui Bagua areas. The Bagua, or the Feng Shui energy map, consists of eight life areas, each of which is associated with different attributes. One can activate a gua through a colour, shape or element (Cho, 2021).
Take a look at our Bagua Guide below:
Check out our Citrine collection here.
Citrine is known for bringing in and maintaining wealth, abundance and success. As such, Citrines should be placed in the Wealth and Prosperity sector or the South-East area of your home (Bhawana, 2021).
Green Aventurine
Check out our Sparkly Green Aventurine Palms and Hearts here
Aventurine is a great crystal for growth, health and luck. As such, they should be placed in the Center area of your residence to activate the Health Gua (Keeley, 2022).
Check out our Carnelian collection here
Carnelian is widely known for increasing one’s creativity and motivation, as well as improving one’s memory, concentration and decision-making. Hence, they can be placed either in the North-East (or Knowledge sector) or West (or Creativity sector) areas of your home (Vedic Vaani, n.d.).
Rutilated Quartz
Check out our Rutile Tumbles here
Rutilated Quartz are known to protect one from ill-intentioned thoughts from others, and to reduce phobias and fears that one may have. It is also useful for manifestation. To attract helpful people in your life, the North-West (or Helpful People sector) is recommended for your Rutilated Quartz to be situated (CrystalBenefits, 2021).
Check out our Pyrite collection here
Like Citrines, Pyrites are known to bring abundance and wealth into one’s life. Thus, they should be placed in the Wealth and Prosperity sector or the South-East area of your residence (Ward, 2019).
Azurite Malachite towers
Check out our Azurite Malachite collection here
Not only does Azurite Malachite invite wealth and prosperity into your home, but also enhances one’s concentration and intuition. As such, you may place it in the South-East (or Wealth and Prosperity sector) or North (Career and Life Path sector) areas of your home (Crystal Vaults, 2022).
Check out our Amazonite collection here
Amazonite is highly calming and soothing. It calms the brain while balancing the masculine and feminine energies. It also helps to move life towards one’s goals. Thus, you may place your Amazonite in the North (Career and Life Path sector) area of your home (Crystal Vaults, 2022).
Rose Quartz
Check out our Rose Quartz collection here
Rose Quartz is the universal stone of love. Whether you are attracting new love, trying to bring self-love into your life, or to improve a relationship, Rose Quartz is the perfect stone. Hence, for relationships and romance, Rose Quartz should be situated in the South-West (Love and Marriage sector) area of your residence. For facilitating self-cultivation, it should be placed in the North-East (Knowledge and Spiritual Growth sector) area (Cho, 2020).
Clear Quartz
Check out our Clear Quartz collection here
Clear Quartz are especially good at removing negativity in the environment, and can also be used to cleanse other crystals. Additionally, they draw people together, aid in concentration, attract good health, wealth and happiness. Therefore, it can be placed at the Center (Health sector), North (Career and Life Path sector) and South-East (Wealth and Prosperity sector) areas of the home.
Ammonite Fossils
Like Clear Quartz, Ammonite Fossils dispels negative energy while maintaining vitality and prosperity in your home. Hence, they can be placed at the South-East (Wealth and Prosperity sector) area of your residence.
Fun fact: Ammonites first appeared 450 million years ago and are from the Jurassic Period! How cool is that?
Rainbow Moonstone
Check out our Rainbow Moonstone Towers here
Rainbow Moonstones are thought to bring balance, harmony and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. They are believed to help strengthen intuition and psychic perception, especially offering us visions of things that aren't immediately obvious. Thus, they can be situated in the West (Children and Creativity sector) area of your house.
Check out our Fluorite Collection here
Fluorite is a stone that helps with decision-making and increases concentration, making it a great stone for the work or study desk. Fluorite is known to have many benefits which also include relaxation and better overall energy balance. To enhance mental performance, situate Fluorites in the North-East (Knowledge and Spiritual Growth sector) area of your home.
Check out our Jasper Collection here
Jaspers are known to be nurturing and provide stability, as well as practicality and clarity. They are great for Bagua areas ruled by the earth and metal elements, and as such, they are suitable at the Center (Health sector), North-West (Travel and Helpful People sector) and South-West (Love and Marriage sector) areas of your home (Soul Charms, 2020).
Druzy Agate

Check out our Druzy Agate Collection here
Druzy Agates are healing crystals, aiding users in physical, mental and spiritual levels. They therefore engender balance, harmonisation and relaxation. As such, they should be placed in areas which require energy replenishment and healing. They could be placed in the Center (Health sector), South-East (Wealth and Prosperity sector) and South-West (Love and Marriage sector) areas of your residence (Stardust, n.d.)
Do note that the guide above is based on Traditional Feng Shui. Current Feng Shui advises that you follow your instincts as to where your crystals would look and feel the best. So if the placing of the crystals doesn’t sit right with you, feel free to move them around!
Here are some articles you may also find useful:
Beginners’ Guide to Crystals: Part 1 – Origin of Crystals
Beginners’ Guide to Crystals: Part 2 – Choosing Crystals based on Chinese Zodiac Signs
We wish you all the luck for the Lunar New Year!
Bhawana. (2021, September 24). How to use Citrine: 15 money manifestation, meditation tips. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
Cho, A. (2020, August 8). Use of Rose Quartz in Feng Shui. The Spruce. Retrieved January 31, 2022, from,heal%20and%20open%20the%20heart.
Cho, A. (2021, January 26). Learn about each of the Feng Shui Bagua areas. The Spruce. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from,the%20color%2C%20element%20or%20shape.
Crystal Vaults. (2022, January 4). Malachite and azurite cluster. Crystal Vaults. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
CrystalBenefits. (2021, December 17). Traditional wisdom - 20 tips for using Feng Shui crystals. Crystal Benefits. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
Keeley, S. (2022, January 21). Where to place crystals for good Feng Shui, all year long. bodyandsoulau. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
Soul Charms. (2020, September 8). Jasper meaning: How to use for chakra healing, feng shui, zodiac, astrology connection. Crystal Meanings & Healing Properties | How to Use Crystals. Retrieved January 31, 2022, from
Stardust. (n.d.). How to use Agate Stones at home for a good Feng Shui? Crystal boutique. Retrieved January 31, 2022, from
Vedic Vaani. (n.d.). Feng Shui Tree in carnelian gemstone. Vedic Vaani. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
Ward, S. (2019, November 7). Crystals and their properties in your home. Design 4 Corners. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from,ideal%20spot%20to%20place%20Pyrite.